The lines: ‘Welcome to Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry’wasthe moment my crazestarted it was 2001.I was seven years old and my parents, like many children my age took my brother and me to the cinemas in Sydney to watch Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone.
Let me tell you about the CRAZE the Wizarding World has created for people like myself.But first let’s talk about Harry Potter and the Fantastic Beasts franchise!
Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by author J.K Rowling with the first book released in 1997. The books follow the lives of a young wizard named Harry Potter and his friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, who are students at Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In 2001 the books then became ever bigger with the movie adaptions that took the world by storm.
In 2016, the spin-off which is called Fantastic Beast sand where to find them that follows British Magizoologist Newt Scamander, who attended Hogwarts approximately 70 years before Harry arrives there. Newt is in America where some of his magical creatures escaped his magical briefcase and enlists a muggle (non-magical person) called Jacob to help him round up his creatures running loose, while dark forces begin to terrorise New York City.
Now that we have that out of the way let’s get back into the CRAZE of Harry Potter, for those growing up as the Harry Potter series was released over the years it went from happier-younger-lighter time to darkness and death. Especially after the thirdbook/movie (Prisoner of Azkaban) where character development hooks you. Not only that, but love, grief, acceptance, and strength come out of these books/movies, I think the generations growing up with this admired the friendship and loyalty within as well.
I believe Harry Potter also caters to such a wide variety of ages, particularly with the books as it starts from a younger pre-teen age and then grows as you get older and better at reading. The movies are to parents’ preference but can work the same way. And therefore, it is also popular because we read them when young our dream is to pass on this world of Witchcraft and Wizardry down.
With Fantastic Beasts spin-offs and with theatre plays such as ‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’nothing has ever stopped us as consumers from this and has fuelled our craze. With thousands of merchandises and movies being readily available on streaming sites it just doesn’t end.
Whether you name your pet or child after Harry Potter (I did: my dog is named Fang) or have a Harry Potter mug most will know Harry Potter, and who will have seen it or read it. I also know the CRAZE of having the Deathly Hallow symbol whether it is on your bag, computer or even as a tattoo. The Harry Potter series is a fun, emotional, adventurous rollercoaster. Along with its catchy theme song.
I mean even HRH King Charles is also a fan of Harry Potter he reads it to Camilla’s Grandchildren.
I think it’s one everyone can love and CRAZE about.
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